Tugas Akhir Karya Binusian Desain Interior 2019

Yuli Andryanny 1901483250

Museum of history are an especially hard to design in Indonesia as according to a website (“Mengapa Pelajaran Sejarah tidak disukai trito.id;2016 ) children are often bored of something that is already known and that is still needed to be learned on repeat, while the museums in Indonesia are usually more in a dark and old looking style to give the image of heritage, it causes the children to give no interest in studying history and going to the museum as it is old looking. To prevent and to design more of a museum that gives and image of both heritage but also creates the interest of people is by analyzing the building that is going to be used in the design, their behavior and needs so that the museum can give what they are looking for.


Analyzing the building that’s going to be used in this design is Conclave Wijaya that is a building that is used for a co-working space and is position in the area of South Jakarta. The area of South Jakarta lacks in museums and historical point of interest, it is also an area in which technologies are more up to dated, this makes the area a great candidate, as for the building that is going to be used is a building that has a great space that can be developed and has the facilities needed for a building such as security system, lift for a person with disability, a parking lot, emergency stairs, and toilet on every floor.


Analyzing the user there are two types, in which are the museum management, and the visitor. Museum management needs a space to work so that they can manage the museum from behind the scene. The following is one of the examples of museum management’s structure flow which is the activity structure.


The history of Indonesian independence is an event that is known by all of the people of Indonesia, but as time goes by, they are starting to forget the true meaning and the moments in which they can achieve that independence. This research is made to give the solution to grow the feeling of patriotism in the people of Indonesia by developing an interior design of a museum that can give the essence that can be accepted by the people of this generation and that is by implementing technology so that it can help the usage of participatory museum concept into the design thus making the visitor able to participate in the display they are given. With that principle, the final concept that will be used in designing the interior of museum that can fulfil the elements needed is “Revolt for Transformation” this concept has an important meaning that not only gives the interest in technology but fulfilling the principal of patriotism.