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  • 4 Mahasiswa Desain Interior BINUS Cetak Prestasi di TACOmpetition: Limitless Design Challenge 2024

    4 Mahasiswa Desain Interior BINUS Cetak Prestasi di TACOmpetition: Limitless Design Challenge 2024

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  • Leonardo Utomo sebagai Popular Vote, Youth Interior Design (Y.ID) Award 2024

    Leonardo Utomo sebagai Popular Vote, Youth Interior Design (Y.ID) Award 2024

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  • Darwis Jayadi sebagai Silver Winner and Alumni's Choice AYDA 2023

    Darwis Jayadi sebagai Silver Winner and Alumni's Choice AYDA 2023

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  • Partisipasi 5 Mahasiswa Desain Interior Binus dalam Program BINUS X Nanyang Polytechnic – TF SCALE 2024

    Partisipasi 5 Mahasiswa Desain Interior Binus dalam Program BINUS X Nanyang Polytechnic – TF SCALE 2024

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  • Partisipasi 3 Mahasiswa Desain Interior Binus dalam Program BINUS X Singapore Polytechnic – TF SCALE 2024

    Partisipasi 3 Mahasiswa Desain Interior Binus dalam Program BINUS X Singapore Polytechnic – TF SCALE 2024

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  • Product Knowledge Series: Let’s See through Himalaya Glass

    Product Knowledge Series: Let’s See through Himalaya Glass

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  • Menjelajah Ruang Masyarakat Kini dalam IFFEST 2023

    Menjelajah Ruang Masyarakat Kini dalam IFFEST 2023

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Location Available in 1 Campus
  • BINUS @Kemanggisan
Length of Study 4 Years
Academic Title S.Ds (Sarjana Design)


Interior Design is a problem solver for interior field/business which increasingly more complex as well as to extend purposeful innovative, and creative industries of Interior Design. Here, students will understand to solve problem in Residential, Retail, Office, Hotel and other commercial area. They are train to prepare design concepts and presentation drawings professionally. The graduates not only will have scientific and practical abilities in Interior Design, they will also have the entrepreneurship skill and spirits in the future
Fostering and Empowering through global community development and sustainable innovation.


Commercial and Hospitality Design
This stream focus on developing functional, aesthetically pleasing, and purposeful interior spaces for businesses, commercial and hospitality establishments that can adapt to changing needs and trends. Students will working on commercial interior projects, such as office and hotel design, as well as more complex commercial and hospitality projects for their final projects, with emphasis on […]
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Furniture and Interior Design Accessories
This stream focus on developing functional, aesthetically pleasing, and purposeful furniture and accessories design within interior spaces that can adapt to changing needs and trends. Students will working on furniture and accessories design projects for office and hotel interior, as well as more complex furniture design projects during their final projects, with emphasis on the […]
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Techno Interior Design
This stream provides students with an ability to apply techniques optimally in interior design projects by mastering the technical aspects of project presentation in accordance with technological trends. Techno Design Streaming has two main focuses technological innovation design and smart sustainable design. Technological innovation design focuses on technological aspects of the response process to problems […]
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Smart Living and Environmental Design
Specified in Interior Design Program (Campus Malang), we provide expertise concentration in smart living system for interior design that environmentally sustain. With this major concentration, our graduates can better adapt and well-equipped to technology developments and able to qualified globally Available at Interior Design Binus @Malang https://binus.ac.id/malang/interior/  
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    Digital Tools
    3D Prototyping
    Drawing Studio
    Design Library
    Student Work Gallery
    Material Library
    Laser Cut
    Furniture Workshop



  • Lecture Mobility Interior Design Binus Jakarta ke Binus Malang: Membangun Kolaborasi dan Mengembangkan Wawasan

  • Interior Design BINUS University Goes to IDL+C PERTEMUAN 2024, UiTM Puncak Alam, Malaysia

  • Mahasiswa Interior Binus Raih Prestasi di Ajang Kreasi Desain Interior dalam Industri Film yang digelar oleh ArteRoom


Pengalaman Magang IKN

Lecture Mobility Interior Design Binus Jakarta ke Binus Malang: Membangun Kolaborasi dan Mengembangkan Wawasan

Interior Design BINUS University Goes to IDL+C PERTEMUAN 2024, UiTM Puncak Alam, Malaysia


Track Intership
Track Entrepreneurship
Track Study Abroad
Track Community Development
Track Research
Track Spesifik Studi Independen


  • Mahasiswa Interior Binus Raih Prestasi di Ajang Kreasi Desain Interior dalam Industri Film yang digelar oleh ArteRoom

  • 4 Mahasiswa Desain Interior BINUS Cetak Prestasi di TACOmpetition: Limitless Design Challenge 2024

  • Leonardo Utomo sebagai Popular Vote, Youth Interior Design (Y.ID) Award 2024



  • A Review of the Role of Intangible Axis toward the Pathok Negoro’s Design Concept, Yogyakarta
    Journal Year - 2020
  • Adaptive Reuse of Colomadu Sugar Factory: Between Preserving Heritage and Social Media Setting
    Journal Year - 2020
  • Classic Jepara Wood Carving Techniques and Tools
    Journal Year - 2019
  • The Sui Utik, Creative Works and Tembawang: Retaining Biodiversity in Kalimantan, Indonesia
    Journal Year - 2020
  • Intersection Cultural Value, Nationalism, and Commodification behind the Garuda Chair as Jepara’s Signature Industries
    Journal Year - 2020
  • Representation of a Human Body: Comparison Study between Balinese and Javanese Traditional House
    Journal Year - 2020
Interior Design Material Library
Explore our sustainable, traditional, innovative, recycled, and low-carbon building materials.


  • Candra Setiawan Santoso (B19)

    Instagram: @candrasantoso | @canzastudio Studi Interior Design di Binus memberikan kesempatan bagi saya untuk mempelajari ilmu baru yang belum pernah saya dapat sebelumnya. Selain ilmu, ada pula kesempatan untuk mendapatkan berbagai pengalaman sosial yang dapat meningkatkan soft skill kita melalui program-program yang telah disediakan, seperti kegiatan berorganisasi melalui himpunan, entrepreneurship, hingga pengalaman untuk belajar di […]
  • Dita Ramadhina (B14)

    Instagram: @ditaramadhina Yang paling berkesan selama saya menjadi Mahasiswa Desain Interior Binus adalah mahasiswa diwajibkan untuk presentasi tugas akhir di setiap akhir semester. Mahasiswa terbiasa untuk melakukan riset yang dikerjakan sejak awal semester hingga menghasilkan sebuah rancangan karya. Kemampuan soft skill terasah dalam fase ini, dan sangat terpakai di saat terjun ke dalam dunia profesional. […]
  • Kevin Nathaniel (B15)

    Instagram; @_nathanielkevin | @konseptura.id Sebagai alumni Design Interior Binus saya merasa sangat bangga dan bersyukur karena memiliki dosen-dosen yang peduli dan mau muridnya berkembang selama dan sesudah masa kuliah di Binus. Dengan demikian, banyak sekali ilmu yang diajarkan akhirnya bisa dipakai di lingkungan professional setelah lulus. Binus – 2015 Profesi : Founder, Owner – Konseptura
  • Josephine Glenis (B14)

    Instagram: @Josephineglenis | @bikinbetah.id Realita menjadi Interior Designer di dunia kerja sangat seru dan menantang, dan Binus menempa saya menjadi siap. Bukan hanya materi di dalam kampus, tapi juga memberi kesempatan untuk ikut serta di event pameran besar, event/workshop dari HDII, kegiatan dengan kampus lain, juga event internal di kampus. Ini memberi pengalaman lebih untuk […]
  • Ayu Syafira Rahman (B19)

    Instagram: @asyarhmn Pengalamannya banyak banget ngga cuma selama kuliah tapi juga di organisasi. Aku belajar banyak selama jalanin kuliah dan jadi bagian HIMDI, terutama di time management. Dari mata kuliah juga bener-bener mulai dari yang mendasar dari cara gambar perspektif, cara gambar teknik, mengenal material, dan yang paling aku suka mata kuliah history of arts […]
  • Safira Syawalina Prawira (B20)

    Instagram: @firsyao Menurut saya kurikulum Binus sangat bagus dan sesuai untuk kesiapan berkarir sebagai desainer interior. Karena setelah saya lulus dan coba membandingkan dengan lulusan lain, ternyata mata kuliah Binus lebih variatif dari kampus lainnya. Selain itu dosen-dosen di sini sangat baik dan sangat komunikatif sehingga lebih mudah untuk dimengerti. BInus – 2020 Bekerja : […]