Desain Furnitur 3: Shika Chair
Lianni Dewi
NIM: 2201746676
Judul Karya: Shika Chair
Pengantar Karya Desain Furniture 3
Tanpa kita sadari, furnitur memiliki peranan penting dalam menunjang aktivitas kehidupan kita. Sebut saja secara umum: meja, kursi, lemari dan furnitur lainnya; tentunya memiliki peranan masing-masing sebagai sebuah solusi dalam menjawab kebutuhan manusia.
Di sinilah Mahasiswa Desain Interior peminatan Desain Furnitur hadir menampilkan karya-karya segar mereka. Dengan mengangkat furnitur “kursi” sebagai project semester ini, diharapkan masing-masing mahasiswa dapat menghasilkan sebuah karya melalui proses kreatif yang telah melewati tahapan:
Tidak hanya sampai pada tahap desain, mahasiswa juga melakukan tahapan proses produksi dalam pembuatan mock up skala 1:5. Diharapkan melalui pembuatan produk konkret ini, mahasiswa akan melewati pengalaman dan proses pembelajaran yang dapat menginspirasi serta menambah pengetahuan mereka.
Tim Dosen: |
Shika Chair was Inspired by the elegance and sustainability of a deer and it’s antler. It was styled with an Art Deco look with a hint of Japanese in the color. The Art Deco style is emphasized in the back rest of this chair which will be an Art Deco motif. This chair was made for the Nara restaurant in Senopati Jakarta which have the Art Deco style and a Japanese feel inside the restaurant it’s name, “NARA”, was taken from Nara in Japan.
Shika Chair is made out of solid teak wood finished with stain paint or melamic paint to show the wood’s real color and grain. The back rest of the chair is made out of CNC-ED MDF which will be cut into an Art Deco motif and topped with duco finished. For the seat, Shika Chair use a thin foam, like a Japanese seat, covered with alight green fabric. The Shika Chair is very well suit for a restaurant or cafe or even in homes for its construction is not heavy but sturdy, and the color is very neutral and easy in the eyes as it is a Japanese the med color that’s very calming. |
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