Indonesian Pencak Silat has various genres, one of which is Bandrong Pencak Silat. Lack of facilities to introduce and with the local culture of Pencak Silat, especially during a pandemic, therefore facilities are needed that support activities with the local culture of Indonesian Pencak Silat. The interior design of the Pencak Silat Education and Training Center in Tangerang is designed to educate about the local culture of Pencak Silat in Indonesia, one of which is the Bandrong Pencak Silat, for fighters and the general public. Aside from being a place for education, the center for Pencak Silat education and training is also a facility that functions to preserve the culture of Indonesia. Bandrong Pencak Silat is the oldest local Pencak Silat in Banten into the concept of this design, by implementing the Bandrong Pencak Silat movement inspired by flying fish, where shape adaptation is applied to interior elements and existing furniture.