Everyone has the potential to suffer from PTSD. Women are known to be twice as likely to develop PTSD than men. ‘Post Traumatic Stress Disorder Recovery Interior Design For Women With Trauma-Informed Design Approach’ aims to facilitate and support recovery activities for women with PTSD Carrying the concept of ‘Kepak Asa Jiwa Tenteram’. The Creator was Inspired by doves which means which carry the meaning of ‘peace’ and ‘hope’. Design is expected to provide a calm atmosphere and be able to give senses of happiness that helps rise instill hope and desire to recover to clients. The interior is designed while also considering the use of colors, shapes, facilities, as well as lighting, ventilation, and atmosphere in accordance with trauma-informed design values and the nature and treatment of PTSD sufferers

Silvia Meliana, S.T, M.Des
Ulli Aulia Ruki, S.Sn, M.Sc